Czech in the Kitchen

Potato Soup

A little potato soup for a cold dark evening, as the wind and snow howls outside this little baby will not only warm you up but it will also fight off any bugs with its added chicken stock and roasted garlic.  It’s also a quick lunch in a pinch when you’re in a hurry, like I am these days with a new day job and classes on the go again.  The weekends have turned into a ‘getting ready’ kind of time, seems each weekend I make a couple of things that we get to warm up during the week.

I seem to be following in my mother’s footsteps.  When I was growing up we used to live on leftovers and they weren’t ever a bad thing but more of a necessity.  In order for us to have good homemade food everyday my mother pretty much had to cook all Saturday or Sunday mornings.  The week’s food would be stashed in the fridge and every dinner, or lunch, we could just go into the fridge and choose out of the three or four things she made on the weekend.  It was like having a fabulous restaurant on hand, with a different menu every week.  You could eat the same things for days or have something different each day.  I suppose that’s why I never really understood why some people didn’t like ‘leftovers’.  I thought and still do, that they are a life and time saver!

And this weekend I made a couple of soups; to ensure that lunch each day is covered and doesn’t take any time or thinking at all.  Just go in the fridge and take out a bowl of whatever sounds good and bring to work for a quick and nutritious meal.  Easy. Good. Nutritious and Home Made.

Potato Soup

Wash and slice the leeks and toss into a soup pot, fry until soft.  Add the stock and peeled and chopped potatoes and cook until soft.  Add the roasted garlic and salt and pepper to taste.  Then blend with an immersion blender until smooth.  Add a cup of corn for a bit of texture and sweetness and garnish with some crispy bacon.

Mmmm Mmmm the roasted garlic adds a bit of something something to this dish, subtle and tasty.  If you want to go vegan opt for the vegetable broth and leave out the bacon.  If you want to stay a bit healthy, then use lower calorie turkey bacon.