Czech in the Kitchen

Acorn Squash Stuffed with Curried Wild Rice

Just recently I had to make a vegan meal for a last minute guest around our dinner table.  I hadn’t really thought about it before, but our family eats incredible amounts of animal products.  As I thought about what to make, I kept thinking through the ingredients only to find that the recipe contained eggs or something else that wouldn’t work.  In the end I decided to work with squash, curry, coconut milk and wild rice…

I didn’t follow any recipe here, just made it up, I wanted to have the wild rice warm instead of cold and stuffed into an acorn squash. That way it felt like more of a meal.  I thought it would not only look pretty but the spicy curry would work well with the sweetness of the squash… and it did.  The heat factor in this was a little warm, I could have had it hotter (by adding more paste) but I think it worked for our guest.  Next time I think I’ll add more of the curry milk so it will have a bit of a sauce.  But it was good nonetheless.  My first experience with Vegan cooking.

Here is the recipe… or as close as I can remember…

Brush the squash with olive oil and bake in over at 350 for about half an hour until soft and golden on the side.  In the meantime cook the wild rice and mix all other ingredients together, start by mixing together the coconut milk with the curry paste.  It’s cold in the cupboard where I store the coconut milk so it was thick.  Then mix the curried coconut with the rice and beans mixture. When the squash is cooked scoop the rice mixture into the squash and put foil on top to put back in oven until ready to eat.

Lastly, I put a slice of my canned slow roasted tomatoes on each of the squash, it was nice all squished in with the rice and gave the rice some color.

Serve with a salad for a great meal.